Firelight Heritage Farm Publishing is based in the United States.
NOTE! Images of Laura's Artwork are NOT accurate for color!
8.5X11 Oil Pastel on Card Stock - Original is FRAMED in an absolutely cheap plastic frame.
Broad refractive waterfall with rooster tail splash. Laura woke one morning with this image in her head, after a few days of painting waterfalls. It is far simpler than she intended, but it is the image she saw in her dream the night before.
Original is much brighter.
$52 (domestic shipping included)
Peace Fall is available for "Of a Type" Assembly Line Production for Variant Works, Not Identical Works or Identical Variant Works. Minimum order of 4 (no mix and match) required. Turnaround time is 1 week AFTER payment is verified, plus ONE additional day for each additional batch (counted as groups of 4) ordered in a single order.